Sunday, August 08, 2010



I find the human brain, indeed all brains, fascinating! Understanding that our brain equals the mind is hard for some people to accept. I realize this. However, our brain really is what makes us who we are, each one of us as individuals.

Understanding how the brain works and why we have the brains we have gives us a better understanding of who we are and why we do what we do. To me, it's exciting to learn about this. There will always be mysteries. For those who fear that understanding too much will lead us to a joyless existence I have to ask, does understanding that the basis of what we call "love" lies in chemical reactions in any way diminish how you feel about your partner, child or parent?

I find that knowing what the sun is, what powers it and how it was created and how it will end only deepens my pleasure when I look up at the night sky. It's similar with music and art. The greater the understanding, the greater the joy.

So take a second to read this article and learn a little more about what makes us human. Hopefully, you'll feel more wonder afterwards than you did before.

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